• +52 (987) 872 2086
  • meridiano@meridiano87.com.mx

Nitrox (EAN)

EAN (Enriched Air Nitrogen) or Nitrox, as it is known colloquially, is an oxygen-enriched air mixture. Normal oxygen content in air is 21%. In the case of EAN, the oxygen content is generally boosted to 32% - or 36%, depending on the planned dive. At Meridiano, we can load 90 tanks per hour with either EAN 32 or EAN 36. If you were to need any other percentage mixture, just consult our specialists. We can make any Nitrox mixture all the up to EAN 80. We'll be happy to oblige, right here at Cozumel.


Always dive within your own range of experience and knowledge. Never use Nitrox if you have not been certified to use it while diving.

Where quality is the key

At Meridiano, our primary objective is your safety via quality systems and controls. When it comes to preparing EAN-loaded tanks, we use a state of the art cascade filling system. During the process, we use medical grade oxygen to enrich the USP (medical & Oxygen compatible )-quality air. For this, we depend on a Partial Pressures Methodology. As an added safety feature, the EAN or Nitrox filled tanks are "rolled" for up to 10 minutes to ensure an even mixture. Each every tank is then electronically analyzed for oxygen content and clearly labeled directly on the tank.

Color code

Gas Color
Nitrox 21Gris
Nitrox 22-31Morado
Nitrox 32Verde
Nitrox 36Naranja
Nitrox 40-50Rojo
Nitrox 50-90Azul
Standard Available Nitrox
Nitrox 21
Nitrox 32
Nitrox 36
Nitrox 34
Nitrox 40
One Day advanced notice only
Nitrox 50
Nitrox 80

Gas Depth range MPD
(1.6 ATA)
(1.4 ATA)
Air NA 219 fsw 187 fsw
0 fsw to
80 fsw
99 fsw 83 fsw
70 fsw to
100 fsw
99 fsw 83 fsw
90 fsw to
110 fsw
132 fsw 111 fsw

DMP: Maximum Permissible Depth..

ATA: Absolute Atmospheres.

FSW: Feet of Salt water.

Click here for full chart.

Oxygen Percentage
It is extremely important that you check the oxygen percentage in the tank you are using. At Meridiano, we only use Nitrox rated tanks, clearly marked with yellow and green NITROX labels. Additionally we mark each Nitrox cylinder with a colour coded label stating its electronically analyzed oxygen percentage and tank serial number.